03-10-2003, 06:17 AM
Hi there TubeDude,
Nice that you were able to take kitty to the sandbox to play. I'm sure you're already eyeing the catnip jar! Bummer on the back of the seat. Those kayak guys have a pretty neat setup for their seats and the one I used on an Ocean Kayak Caper was very confortable and supportive. Having not excercised in a while, the next day I didn't feel any back discomfort. Cool the way the seat could be stabilized with just the four clips-to-D-rings.
On your snorklers, a news story from Washington state told of a visit from a large pod of Orca or Killer Whales that hung around the Seattle harbor and took care of these harbor seals that were decimating a run of salmon. Hummmmmmmmmm Give you any ideas? Those snorklers sure look like yummy little harbor seals to me! ha ha