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Cars Birthday Cake
LOL sounds good to me, my hubby is getting upset too.

I do have a few more questions if you dont mind. I used a chocolate cake, do you think it would show up better(the 95 and lightening bolt) if I used a white or yellow cake? I also read somewere, I think it was on the Wilton web site, that when doing black dye in your icing, to use chocolate icing. They said because you have to use so much black, it makes it taste bitter. have you heard of this?
I am beginning to have a passion, it is so much fun and rewarding as well to see faces of the people you make a cake for. We have an 8 yr old son as well and last year I had made him a basic 9x13 cake with a black road and a lightening car on it. It was good, but the black for the road was so bitter, and that took up half the icing!!

Messages In This Thread
Cars Birthday Cake - by quantumman1 - 04-02-2007, 03:03 AM
Re: [lunkerhunter2] Cars Birthday Cake - by quantumman1 - 04-02-2007, 06:37 PM

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