04-04-2007, 06:58 PM
I'm not sure where you live Justin but for a lot of us Willard is the closest lake around and the only lake in Northern Utah that has wipers and walleye. So is it worth it for me to risk dinging a prop, you bet it is. But then again I've been on the lake when it is a lot lower than it is now and have a good idea what areas to avoid. For those that don't want to risk dinging their props or damaging their lower units, I say that is fine, more fish for me to catch[]. Yea, Pineview is just as close but those big old tigers don't compare to the fight of a wiper(pound for pound) or the taste of a walleye. Of course this is just my opinion and I sure don't blame you if you don't want play at Willard this year. Unless they have changed their minds, the three foot raise is all we will get this year if we even get that much, that snow is sure melting fast. You are right about the water level dropping as soon as the farmers starting drawing on it to water their crops. Fishing it early in the summer will be a must for those that don't want to risk damage to their props. If the water level does go up three feet that should be more than enough for anyone to launch though. WH2