04-13-2007, 01:47 PM
Hey guys, need some advice. I currently have an open divorce with the 3rd District Court in SLC. All I have to do is file my divorce ed class certificate with the court, file a motion to waive my ex's class and then file my final judgement paperwork. Sounds like a lot but its really not. My problem is this..... last night my ex sister in law Kate called me to inform me that my ex plans on moving to Texas (with an internet boyfriend apparently) and she has every intention of taking my daughter with her. I need to know if anyone knows of a temporary injunction I can file with the court or have the judge order so that Liz (the ex) can't leave the state until our divorce is final. I want to get the divorce done and then work on getting custody of my daughter. I also want to add that Liz currently has a protective custody order filed against her in Provo by DCFS because she is having some issues with being able to provide a fit living environment for my daughter. Unfortunately, and I do love the state I live in, they don't see the situation as bad enough to remove my daughter from her home. So, what do I do?? If Liz moves to Texas, I might not see my daughter again because I know her mom isn't going to give me location info and she certainly won't be paying for Kasey to come see me here. Any info or advice you guys have would be greatly appreciated. I have a contact # for an attorney that I'm going to give a holler today but if there are any attorneys on here that wouldn't mind throwing me a bone for a minimal charge or whatever, I'd love to at least talk to you, even if I can't afford an actual office visit. Thanks fellas... and please, don't give me anything like bury her in the desert or anything like that.... trust me, my mind has run the possibilities from doing nothing and taking it in the tailpipe on this all the way to the other end of the spectrum and "one shot, one kill". Neither is really a realistic option because I love my daughter too much to either give up or do anything really stupid but I am kinda lost as far as what is actually my next move.