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Picture posting problems.
[size 1][#0000ff]We love pictures on BFT. We have a couple of spots devoted solely to posting pictures. We also encourage the addition of pictures to reports. In fact, we can now even accept posts for video files.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Not so long ago there were some limitations on what we could post. Until recently, you could not even attach a picture larger than 250 KB. The system would reject it. Now we can take files of almost any size, but we keep trying to train members to keep the pictures below the 300 KB range for attachments...and no larger than 400 pixels wide if included in the body of the post.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Those of us with high speed internet connections are better able to access and view the larger files with little problem. However, during peak times, even high speed chokes on big files. Members with dialup service are forced to leave BFT when it is too busy and sometimes never get to see some of the pictures posted, when they are too big.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have tried to be diplomatic about it. I have sent polite PMs and I have made comments on the board about downsizing pictures that members post. Some members accuse me of being picky, but I have to warn you that if you don't voluntarily change how you post your pics we could go back to the arbitrary restrictions...or limit the number of pics we can post altogether.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Some of the biggest offenders are those who download their pictures directly from their cameras into a website "photo bucket". Then, they copy and paste the pictures into the posts on BFT. These are often several times too large and it is not cool to force people to have to scroll sideways to "enjoy" your pictures. Or, in other cases, to force members to bail out of BFT because the images choke their internet provider system.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you are going to use such a system, use the BFT Photo Gallery and post thumbnails. However, we would prefer that you downsize your pictures into the recommended range and then attach them to your post. That way, they will remain with your post after it is archived in the appropriate water, technique or whatever. Photo bucket pics are often lost when the photo website goes down or changes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you bought a digital camera, you should have received photo software with it. Most Windows based computers also come with photo editing features. Learn to use them. You don't have to become proficient at finely balancing the colors, hues, contrast and exposure...but you should know how to crop a picture and to adjust the size so that your pictures will conform to our specifications.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here is a sort of Step by Step guideline:[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]1. Download pics from camera and put them into a named file folder. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]2. Go through each picture, one by one, to do whatever enhancing you need to do. Crop off the extra stuff around the edges that just makes the picture bigger without telling the story.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]3. Click on "Resize". The current dimensions (in pixels) should display. For large resolution cameras the pixel width may be from 1800 to 3000 pixels. If you just want to attach the picture, without putting it in the post, change the pixel width to 1000-1500 pixels and then see how large the file KB. You want to end up with something under 300 KB. If you plan to include the picture in the post, it will need to be resized to 400 pixels wide. Click on finished or done and save the picture as whatever name you desire.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]4. To attach the picture to a completed post, click on the "Browse" button at the bottom of your post. That will bring up a menu of files on your computer. Find the folder with your picture(s) and open it. Double click on the picture you want to upload and the file name will appear in the window beside "Browse". Click on "Upload attachment" to complete the attachment of your picture.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]5. Duplicate step 4 for each picture you wish to add. When finished, click on "Post Message".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]6. If you have resized your picture(s) to 400 KB, you can add them into your post after they are uploaded. First, click on the attachment for your picture, to display the picture. Now, right click on the picture, displaying a menu. Left click on COPY. Go back to the completed post and click on "Edit", at the upper right. Once the editable post appears, left click where you want the picture to appear and then right click to bring up the menu. Click on "Paste" and the copied picture will appear where you have placed the cursor...[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]7. Click on "Make Changes" at the bottom right and the picture will be a permanent part of your post.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The above instructions work for adding single pictures. If you have multiple pictures you can open two windows for your post with attachments added. Keep one to click on the pictures, and bring them up one by one as needed. Click on edit, on the other one, and then toggle back and forth...copying and pasting...until you have all the pics pasted inside the post.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]At this time there is no "zip" function, for adding multiple pictures with one click. As always, if you are "photo challenged", "computer challenged" or just plain lazy, PM or email one of the moderators for some help. We would rather get your pictures and help you with them than to have you avoid posting due to "tech terror".[/#0000ff] [/size]

Messages In This Thread
Picture posting problems. - by TubeDude - 04-21-2007, 12:29 AM

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