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Texas Turnament and Get Together Dates and Details! Be There!!
Houdy Booyaa1,

Sure is great news to here that you will be making the trip. The time is now under 30 days and the member attendance count keeps climming. The member count is over 25. The guests (soon to be members) is now over30. Other members and I will be there promoting the Tournament and the BFT site for a full week befor the tournament. This will more than double the current counts. I will be verry suprized if we do not pass 100 anglers by a large number. The first 3 days I will be trying to promote to as many of the 17,000+ visiters that will be on the Island for the TexasSandFest.

I will be posting pic's of that event after the Tournament and I gain access to my computer on the 16th.(I hope)

I sent Theangler accomadations recomendations last week.

Unless you want to fish off the end of the south jetties, the end of the Calldwell pier or take a charter out to the blue water, you will not need more than light to medium geer.

As for hot spots it depends on what you are refering to!

For fishing..........Yes!

For eating...........Yes!

For Gambling.........Yes......Off shore!

For watching girls...Yes!

For Beachcolming.....Yes!

Local Pubs...........Yes!


Most other hot spots are kept well cooled off by a great Volintier Fire Department.

Now for species to target:

The tournament will be open to all species swimming the waters. With over 3000 different species in the gulf you never know what you will see untill you reel them in. In one night last September I fished one of the small piers along the ship channel. I did not move my location more than 15 feet and landed atleast 12 diffrent species using only two differant baits. (one artificial and one natural).

Here is an acount of what is currently comming in:

Anglers are catching some sheepshead and whiting off the north jetty. A few trout were caught over there on Monday as well as several oversized redfish that were released.
Large sheepshead are biting out toward the end of the south jetty.

Trips to state waters have produced "lots of red snapper and lots of redfish".
Anglers in the bays are catching big black drum and redfish.

The precieding report was an exerpt from the local newspapper.

I do need to let you in on the fact that the jetties love to claim many of anglers geer in the submerged rocks. So float or fast high retrieval is a must!

Make sure I get arrival time of your flight so I can arainge to pick you up without you loosing time on the water.

Have a safe trip out and I will see you at the Airport!

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Re: [Booyaa1] Texas Turnament and Get Together Dates and Details! Be There!! - by ssor - 03-13-2003, 08:33 AM

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