05-06-2007, 11:01 PM
I took the boat out today to pineview (solo). Ramp was slow so I wasn't a pain in anybodys butt. To start with I have a 87 evinrude 40 hp with 6 gal removable fuel tank. On one side of the fuel line I have a connector that is simular to a air compressor connect. Versus a traditional two post style connect that I've seen for my whole life. The reason I mention this is because Im suspect of the different connect I have on the tank side. Do they work, leak, go bad? Anyway the motor idles fine but revs slow and at full ar even half speed gooses then slows over and over. But if I pump the hand primer the motor will hold rpm fine? Throttle response is fine so long as I kept pumping. I believe it could be a bad fuel pump. Is there a rebuild kit maybe some gaskets, diaphrams ect I can buy for this? Or am I looking at a new pump? Cost? Difficulty? Or does it sound like something else? I should also add this boat was winterized and sat out in a Morgan pasture for 6yr.