05-07-2007, 09:12 PM
This web has a lot of different tethers. Just drill a small hole in your flippers and attach. Even if the fins float. If there is a wind storm that floating fin can well.......float away. Also some ponds have MUD.[/reply]
I echo the MUD hazard....that is the main reason I got my tethers way back when -- and why they were my best purchase.
During my first dismount on my first time float tubing I went ankle deep in mud and when I pulled up on my foot -- it was without the fin. The same fin that I had just had a successful float test with earlier in the day
Luckily I was able to reach down and dig through about 1 1/2 feet of mud to make the save, while in the meantime (in all my excitement of possibly losing my fin) letting the water come rushing into my waders. :-)
Made for good memories of my first floating trip.
Needless to say, the tethers were my very next purchase.
This web has a lot of different tethers. Just drill a small hole in your flippers and attach. Even if the fins float. If there is a wind storm that floating fin can well.......float away. Also some ponds have MUD.[/reply]
I echo the MUD hazard....that is the main reason I got my tethers way back when -- and why they were my best purchase.
During my first dismount on my first time float tubing I went ankle deep in mud and when I pulled up on my foot -- it was without the fin. The same fin that I had just had a successful float test with earlier in the day
Luckily I was able to reach down and dig through about 1 1/2 feet of mud to make the save, while in the meantime (in all my excitement of possibly losing my fin) letting the water come rushing into my waders. :-)
Made for good memories of my first floating trip.
Needless to say, the tethers were my very next purchase.