05-11-2007, 04:49 PM
There is another reason why the cutthroats are being promoted so heavily by the Fish and Game departments. The native cutthroats were getting close to extinction. So close that the Feds were considering putting them on the endangered species list. Now that could be a problem for everybody. That could mean lots of restrictions for fishermen and would really tie the hands of the fisheries managers. In Utah the DWR took a proactive approach to get more of the cutthroats out there so that they could do it their way, in the best interest of local fisherman, rather than in a way dictacted by the feds, which may not be good for us who fish. While a few streams may be 'lost' to the cutthroats, others will be saved from the handcuffs imposed by threatened species regulations. Just something to consider before we go off declaring the intentions of others...