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Red Wasp larve. Anybody ever make a fly like that?
Hmmm, a close up of a Red Wasp?[unsure]

That's gonna rank right up there with closup photography of a pair of mating Grizzleys at the moment of Coitus!
That kind of stuff is reserved for the National Geographic guys.

However, for Fly Goddess, I'll go down to the Barn with my Digital camera, and give it a try.
Once I get some photos of the Wasp's and the Larve I'll see if I can post them.(stealing some really Angry insects Babies?)[mad]

Me not being a tyer, it dont look like too much of an effort.
But I'd really like to give em' a try on the Crappie n' other panfish around here.
I should be back this afternoon.....but if you never hear from me again, you'll know right where to look.

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Re: [flygoddess] Red Wasp larve. Anybody ever make a fly like that? - by Thudpucker - 05-14-2007, 08:31 PM

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