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Tubing in Windy Conditions - your experiences?
I apologize for not having any pictures but my last bout with the wind was more of a survival mode than a site seeing adventure.

On a trip around 3 years ago, I took my son on a tubing trip to one of my local lakes. At that particular lake, you have wind by 8 am or there is none at all.

We launched in glassy conditions at 6am and fished for a couple of hours before the wind kicked up.

When the wind came it was going at around 25mph with gusts up to 40.

My son was in a Caddis Uboat and got blown around something fierce. I was in the FC4 and able to make some kind of gain over the water. 40 feet in 1/2 hour.

That is alot of kicking. We were lucky that the wind will blow in the direction of the launch ramp. Otherwise, it would be a 2 mile walk back to the original launch area.

Although tubing in the wind is not advised, it is good to have some wind experience under your waders in order to safely handle yourself in the event of an unexpected windstorm emergency.

The 25 mph winds created 1foot waves. The waves were handled better in the Vcraft as opposed to the U shaped craft.[cool]

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Re: [IrishFloatTube] Tubing in Windy Conditions - your experiences? - by tubeN2 - 05-24-2007, 01:32 PM

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