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Tubing in Windy Conditions - your experiences?
As far as Salt goes, we are luck enough to count on the off shore breeze to kick up between 2 and 4pm on a daily basis. When you can get the wind to coincide with an out going tide, you are pretty much on at a nuetral state with wind blowing in and tide going out.

The FC4 handles beautifully in the salt and handles mild swells with no problem.

The newer Pontube by Water Skeeter on the other hand, I have only taken it out 1 time and took it in the salt and purposely in the wind just to solve my curiosity of the taller crafts handling abilities.

It is just like everyone described as far as the wind goes. It sucks. Still water is still the best friend of any tube and I think it is the soul mate for the pontoons and pontubes.

Thank God the afternoon breeze always blows inshore. One is able to enjoy a nice relaxing drift to a safe area.[cool]

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Re: [TubeDude] Tubing in Windy Conditions - your experiences? - by tubeN2 - 05-24-2007, 04:29 PM

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