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Fish Lake 05-28 Report
I went to Bicknell over the long weekend and hit Fish Lake this morning early with my son and father-in-law. Catching was a little slow - we ended up boating 4 mack in total, but I did catch my personal Fish Lake best laker - 25.3 lbs, picture is attached. We did best in around 70 feet of water, and spent our entire time on the SW end trolling minnows behind pop gear right on bottom. We did mark a couple of huge piles of mack, but couldn't jig due to the wind. Water temp is about 46 degrees and a lot of the fish are still up in the water, though we did find one nice run where most were on or near bottom. Rainbow guys were doing OK on pop gear and worms at around 15-20 feet.

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Fish Lake 05-28 Report - by piscispursuit - 05-29-2007, 01:28 AM

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