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I saw someone with a BFT sticker on their white truck as I drove past Winder to Condie on Sat. Was that any of you?

Well I spent the weekend camped at Condie with my family and friends. We had a wonderful time despite the constantly changing weather conditions.

Friday evening set up camp, pumped up tubes, put rods together etc... My son caught a few bluegill just bait fishing off of the bank. I wasn't feeling very well so I slept in until 6:30[cool]. Where as my friends let me sleep and where out fishing Condie on the boat at dawn. I decided to take my son to Winder where I had done well for bass the week before. When I arrived the wind was blowing and it was cold. The bass were nowhere to be found. We caught a few bluegill and headed back to Condie. When I got back I recieved reports from the boat that the early morning fishing had been awesome. I went out in my pontoon and took my second son fishing in his float tube for the first time. He loved it. I looked so cool in his waders and with his new three weight fly rod. Anyway I digress. We caught quiet a few really nice sized bluegill and several perch in the 9-10" range. Then I went in to pick up my youngest son. He just sat on the edge of my pontoon(with his life jacket of course) and helped me fish. We picked up several more really nice bluegill and then I switched to a bass popper and started throwing deep into the bushes and trees. I ended up getting two 14" bass to go on top. What a rush! They do not sip like trout on top water, they explode. My youngest son was really excited when one of the bass exploded on the top water and then jumped out of the water higher then our eye level.

My oldest son was dead set on catching a bass by himself. He tried all day with no luck. He was really upset when his younger brother got one on a grub and then he was beside himself when his baby brother caught one below a bobber on a mealworm.

Sunday we sat around camp and filled bluegill all morning and then had some great dutch oven meals. My oldest son spent all day plotting his revenge on the bass.

Monday morning we went out early in the boat. On his third cast my son finally got his bass. The morning fishing was good for the bass but then the wind shifted and came out of the North. It was like a light switch going off, the bass just shut down. So we packed up and headed home after breakfast.

Overall it was a wonderful weekend with family and friends. Thanks Guys. Helping three boys fish is a joyful mess and it is going to get even tougher with our fourth boy on the way in September.[Smile]

Good Luck to Everyone

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Condie-Report - by windriver - 05-30-2007, 04:33 PM
Re: [windriver] Condie-Report - by BMURR - 06-01-2007, 04:07 AM

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