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Texas Turnament and Get Together Dates and Details! Be There!!
Robert in Austin,

Yes this Tournament is limited to fishing from the south jetties. Yes this is to alow fairness for all that attend this event.

For children there will be extras to include prizes and support in their angler experionce.

We have many members that will be attending that spend most of their free time working with children and helping to promote safe friendly fishing for children.

I have not fully confermed yet but, one of the biggest promoters of fishing for children in southern California is planning to attend. To see just some of the events he has worked with in the last year surch through the California forum board from RAMEROFISHERKING. He is also a Texan from the El Paso area and a great guy and angler with the children.

There will not be trophys for this event as it is a free event for all to attend.

As the event prizes are to be given relaiting to many factors it will have staff members placed along the jetties to record the progress of all catches.

The events to be recorded will be Time, Species, length, weight, neme and ID# of angler of the catch.

The event will support a Catch and Release event but it is not required to release any leagle catch that a partisapent wishes to keep for their presonal use.

The reason for this event is to help promote fishing and to help promote the great resorces available through BFT and its affiliates.

It is not a requirement to be a member but it will make a diffrence. As a member there is a special free raffel drawing to be held during the Tournament for all registered active members (A member that has posted and is activly partisapaiting in the message boards prier to April 1, 2003). This Raffel drawing will be available to all members activly attending the event with the exception of Me.

As my company (Student Pc's) is providing the prize it would not be fair to have my name in the pot to win the prize given By Student Pc's.

As this event is fast aproching I feel it is time to reviel the identity of the prize up for the Raffel.

The reffel will be drawn some time durring the event and the winner will be revieled to all at the end of the tournament event. At that time A brand new internet ready 1.1 Gig computer built by Student Pc's (aproximate retail value $700) will be delivered to the winner on the spot!

Also all winners of prizes will also be identified and presented their prizes.

I will be posting a list of other prizes before the first of April that will include a custom built Fishing Rod along with a list of sponcer for this event.

I do have confermation of many prizes to be given but am waiting for all to be confermed before I post the list of prizes.

If I have not covered anything of your consern please reply and I will answer you.

Please join as a member. This alows you and I both the instant email notice when a reply to your post is made. This will alow me the abillity to respond quickly to your questions. It is free and you will also be elegable for the drawing if you attend and partisapate in the Tournament.

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Re: [bobaloo1] Texas Turnament and Get Together Dates and Details! Be There!! - by ssor - 03-20-2003, 03:52 PM

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