06-02-2007, 07:02 PM
I didnt mean that as a negative but I ve gone thru this type of project before.
First you picture how its going to look after completion. It wont look like the picture in your mind, believe me.. Then the cost.....
Plan on at least twice the cost you figured......
Then what ??
There you have a so so boat that cost mucho time and more money than if you just went and bought a newer and finished boat.
Your 15 HP might be too much for the narrow boat in the pictures.
Add fife jackets, floation cushion, fish finder, oar, and all the other "stuff" that should come with the already finished and newer boat.
There are many, many aluminum boats on the city lakes that get sold after about three years of use. These sell at about $200 each.
Some are nice and some junk. If you time it just right you can have a good Gregor aluminum 12 foot boat for the $200.
Again I ve tried these projects before and every one of them cost at LEAST twice of what I had planned...
Sorry but thats my opinion. Say hello to your wife.....
I didnt mean that as a negative but I ve gone thru this type of project before.
First you picture how its going to look after completion. It wont look like the picture in your mind, believe me.. Then the cost.....
Plan on at least twice the cost you figured......
Then what ??
There you have a so so boat that cost mucho time and more money than if you just went and bought a newer and finished boat.
Your 15 HP might be too much for the narrow boat in the pictures.
Add fife jackets, floation cushion, fish finder, oar, and all the other "stuff" that should come with the already finished and newer boat.
There are many, many aluminum boats on the city lakes that get sold after about three years of use. These sell at about $200 each.
Some are nice and some junk. If you time it just right you can have a good Gregor aluminum 12 foot boat for the $200.
Again I ve tried these projects before and every one of them cost at LEAST twice of what I had planned...
Sorry but thats my opinion. Say hello to your wife.....