03-21-2003, 07:50 PM
If you ever get down south you should try Leed's Creek (Bonneville Cutts) in Oak Grove. There is also the Beaver River (Bows and Browns) and Clear Creek (Bows). You can also try Corn Creek(Browns), which is a little more north than the rest. Another good one would be Asay (Bows, Browns, and Whitefish) (if you can get access) and Mammoth (Browns and Bows) (artificials only). Also try the Fremont (Browns and Bows) and the Sevier (Bows, Browns, Cutts, Brookies, Whitefish). And if you want to you can try UM (Tigers, Bows, Browns) above Forsyth with artificials. Another great stream place would be all over the Boulder Mountains (Brookies, Bows, Browns, Cutts, Splake) . Come and visit Dixie where you can catchBows, Browns, Cutts, Brookies, Whitefish, Tigers, and Splake doing some real first class stream fishing.