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Jordanelle---I'm going to hurt someone.
Man dude that sucks! [mad] It always chaps my behind when people can't keep their hands off other peoples' property! Good thing it came off! I say you should do the following if you catch them:
Tie them up, get a can of spray paint and spray them all over. Then put a big sign on them saying "I got caught tagging!!".... take them over to busy intersection and make them stand there for the day to see what passers by would do! Thereafter, I would make show me some of there personal property so you can in turn do the same to their effects and see how they'd like it! MMMaaannn! I guess I'd better stop! Anyway back to fishing. Hey those are some nice fish dude. All-in-all I would say that turned your day around! What's the water level like? Is there any grass in the area you fished? I am definitely planning on going next week end so we'll see how that goes.

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Re: [fsh4fun05] I'm going to hurt someone. - by Bassin1 - 06-24-2007, 08:00 PM

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