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Solo Smallie Smackin' Safari
[cool][#0000ff]TubeBabe is in Arizona for a couple of weeks and my dance card did not have any names penciled in for today. So, I loaded up "Rojo Rising" and headed out for a solo shot on Jordanelle. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Made it to Rock Cliffs just after 5. Aired up and launched within a few minutes. Just getting light and the inlet end of the lake was boiling with rising fish...mostly chubs. They are spawning now. I did see a few troutskis but did not bring any flies. Threw a few spinners early but couldn't keep the chubs away. Switched to small plastic...more chubs. Musta caught at least half a grundle of them through the day.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Fished wet, trying out some new light fast drying "zip off" pants/shorts. Worked great. Water temp a lovely 68 at launch...warming to 70 when the wind and canoes chased me off the water just before noon.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]This was the day for "water activity". A team of power swimmers splashed by right in front of one area I was fishing, and a guy in a sculling craft got close enough for him to watch me land a fish. No polite conversation with any of them. Oh yeah, two or three big boats and a couple of jet skis came inside the no wake zone and waked plenty. Dimbulbs.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Can't complain about anything this morning. I just took the light stuff I had rigged from last Tuesday's trip to Starvation and let 'er rip. No large plastics...just small tubes and some 3" fire tiger tripletails...on 1/8 oz. heads. No Mojos were harmed on this trip.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In addition to the chubfest, I also got to bend my light sticks and stretch my 4# string on some dandy smallies. Probably brought 25 to 30 fish to the tube. Most were of a fitting size for small tube jigs...under 12". But, there were some surprisingly large smallies (oxymoron) that couldn't resist my bitty bits of plastic. I'm guessing I caught at least 10 or 12 over 14". The largest was just under 18", with a couple going 17 and couple about 16. That's fun fishing, on light tackle, I don't care who you are.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]I got one silly perch on a small casting spoon vertical jigged in about 25 feet of water. Couldn't find any other willing perchies, but I gotta admit I wasn't looking too hard. The smallies had me giggling. Oh slimers either. [/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]The canoe floatilla pulled up about 10 AM...about the same time the predicted south "breezes" began to push me around. I got a few more chubs and smallies after the double whammy but nothing significant. And, since the wind appeared that it would get worse before it got better...I got out and went home. [/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]First time solo in a long time. Also first time I did not take anything home in the cooler for the fillet board. I did take home some fun memories. Them smallies pull good.[/#0000ff]

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Solo Smallie Smackin' Safari - by TubeDude - 06-29-2007, 08:00 PM

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