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beginners advice for Mom and Son
hi and welcome to the world of fishing!
i recently started again too, ill tell you some things that helped me.

1. watch other people fish while your not catching anything, or while your just sitting back. then you learn what bait to use to catch what fish, and where to fish.

2. look for any structures in the water like a fallen log, or under the dock even. ive had my best luck under lilly pads. bass like to hide under stuff like this, and they are fun to catch and eat almost any type of bait.

3. if the water is murky and dark, use light colored bait like yellow or white or green. if the water is more clear, use glittery bait, they can see it better because the sun will reflect off of it.

4. a good beginner fish would be bass or bluegill(where i live). and the biggest bluegill i ever caught, i was using a doughball and fishing under the dock. and the biggest bass i ever caught was using a fake green minnow.

hopefully these will help you, and if your having trouble about bait, think about the size of their mouth, thats what i do. a bluegill cant eat anything too big, and they really dont eat minnows or live bait so use worms or bread or doughballs(even hotdog). bass like to eat
live bait so use fake crawdads, minnows, or other fake fish.

Messages In This Thread
beginners advice for Mom and Son - by newby910 - 06-21-2007, 07:45 PM
Re: [newby910] beginners advice for Mom and Son - by 15YearOldPro - 06-30-2007, 05:35 AM

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