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Solo Smallie Smackin' Safari
I've been using those pants too. They are a great summertime replacement for waders. Sounds like you had a blast with my favourite gamefish. (why I use the "smallmouth" handle)

If you get a chance sometime get Rojo into a samallmouth stream. River smallies are even more fun than their lake dwelling cousins.

Floats down smallmouth rivers is what has taken me so long to lay to rest the desire to aquire a pontoon boat. I think floating rivers is the niche that these boats fill rather well. (As long as you don't want to go back upstream.) However like yourself I love to "solo" so the sit on-top kayak was a much bettert choice for me. With my Tarpon 120 I can paddle a few kilometres upstream and then drift back down to my vehicle.

Messages In This Thread
Solo Smallie Smackin' Safari - by TubeDude - 06-29-2007, 08:00 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Solo Smallie Smackin' Safari - by smallmouth89 - 06-30-2007, 02:19 PM

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