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Orange Swatch on Float Tube?
When I go tubing in the Saltwater, I am also required to have a signalling device. Be it an airhorn (preferrence) or a blow whistle, I am required to carry something to make noise in the event of a nearing craft.

As was mentioned, the Coast Guard regs are not enforced for all bodies of water. They are written but some of them are a little extreme. Therefore, one body of water may chose to adapt the regs to fit the needs of the local public.

As far as wacky drivers go, there are plenty of them in the area that I live in. Many of them dive boat just like they drive their cars. That goes to show that they shouldn't be behind the wheel of neither.

When others don't follow the rules and regulations it doesn't matter what we have for signaling devices, signs nor symbols. Sometimes others just don't care of have the attitude of "That doesn't apply to me".

I hope you have save day today.[cool]

Messages In This Thread
Orange Swatch on Float Tube? - by JDFreud - 07-03-2007, 05:23 AM
Re: [IrishFloatTube] Orange Swatch on Float Tube? - by tubeN2 - 07-04-2007, 01:03 PM

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