07-10-2007, 12:26 AM
First you don't need heavier line. Common mistake if you never have fished before. You are snapping the line because you are hitting into heavy fish and you have your drag set too high. I say the best line size is to look on your fishing pole it will list the lightest test lb. line and the heaviest test lb. line then put on line that is 2 lb test lighter then the heaviest you can put on. Also make sure your reel is rated for the test line. It should say on the side of reel xx lb. test line xx yards which means it can hold that much line when it is full. Ok now onto why you keep snapping your line you have the drag set to high. Your drag is how tight your line is. the tighter the line the faster you can wind it in but the problem with the drag being set to high is that it is easy for the fish to snap the line. lower the drag to much and the fish will just pull the line out until it is all gone. So you want to set your drag not too high and not too loose. Ok so to set your drag there should be since it is closed face some sort of knob or dial that turns. right tight left loose. Ok so set your drag by turn the knob until starts to loosen where you can pull it out by hand then tighten it very slow so it is very hard to pull it out but you still can pull it out. Now your drag is set where the line won't break. Now to learn to fight the fish yes you really have to fight the fish. OK when you hook into a fish pull up on the pole like you see in the fishing shows. Watch one if you have never seen one to see what I mean or find something on youtube to watch to get the concept. Now pull up until you think your pole is near breaking then let it back down but wind the line in as you let pole back down wind it in fast when you are doing that so there is no slack. Don't be surprised if you don't land them the first few times. It takes practice. You may get him in or you may lose it. the lb test line does not mean it can haul up that large of a fish it means that that much pressure can be taken before it will snap. You can haul up any fish on almost any line as long as you play with the drag correctly and you fight the fish. Post pictures when you get your first fish. If you can't find how to set the drag on your reel call the company and they should be able to help you. Have fun. Oh real quick tieing a hook you should stick the line through the eye hole then wrap it around the hook a few times then stick it back through the eye hole and a loop should show up then you stick the line through the loop and pull tight and that is a good simple tie that only gets tighter when pulled. It won't break where you tie the line.