07-30-2007, 09:16 PM
Thanks great info. It makes me wonder how many of the "pups" are really pups or old fish that are to dumb to start eating other fish. Twin is full of fish around the 18 to 20 inch area. Most of them look like they're starving, big heads and long skinny bodies.
A friend of mine runs a trout club that has a couple of lakes with lakers. One of them was last stocked in the early 80s and the fish are only about 20 to 25 inches. There is plenty for them to eat brookies, rainbows, fat head minnows and a number of other laker snacks[black]. I wonder what makes them switch. Maybe they are just lazy and the bugs are just easy to catch. I guess this is what keeps us fanatics going. There is always more to learn about lake trout. [/black]
A friend of mine runs a trout club that has a couple of lakes with lakers. One of them was last stocked in the early 80s and the fish are only about 20 to 25 inches. There is plenty for them to eat brookies, rainbows, fat head minnows and a number of other laker snacks[black]. I wonder what makes them switch. Maybe they are just lazy and the bugs are just easy to catch. I guess this is what keeps us fanatics going. There is always more to learn about lake trout. [/black]