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"No plans to close Deer Creek this summer"
Just a friendly reminder - DO NOT PARK on the dirt - you will get a parking ticket that cost me $75 three or four years ago.

That's right - I had parked in the same weed patch for 4 days in a row and never got any tickets or warnings. I was parked with several other vehicles and we all hit the bonus round. When we had gotten the ticket the water was a about 300 yards from the end of the ramp.

What really makes me MAD is that all the wind boarders park on the beach though out the summer and NEVER get a parking ticket!!!

And if you want to fight the ticket good luck - you will have to driver to Heber to plead innocent, then you will have to drive there again to your court date. So two days of my vacation time would have been lost plus gas.

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Re: [Brainamus] "No plans to close Deer Creek this summer" - by Lundman - 08-10-2007, 03:15 PM

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