08-13-2007, 04:35 PM
Me and my wife made it to the Gorge this weekend as well. We might have trolled right past you as you where jigging. Nice job on your first mack. We stayed at Anvil and fished Middle Marsh. We hooked up a lot of kokes and 3 that tiped the scale at 3.5 and one that went 4 pounds even. We got 2 small macks as well trolling in the same area. We fished the rock humps at swim beach for a couple houres but no luck. Better luck next time. I about pulled my hair out driving through that construction so on the way home we went around to green river and that knocked 45 min off the time it took us to drive up. Here is a picture of my big mack I got jiging last winter in sheep. creek [signature]