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Ok. I'm branching out. I need some suggestions
im sure ill catch SOMETHING, at least. i work for my town's maintenance crew, and we water the town's plants, so we have 2 huge water tanks that we fill up at the same boat dock im talking about. so this morning i was down there fillin the tanks up to water, and i was leaning over a rail looking into the water, and i saw some dark colored, longish fish, wasnt brim, fairly sure it wasnt bluegill, they looked like a different body shape than bluegill. anyway, thats when it hit me, when im fillin up the tanks i should bring one of my poles and get about 10 minutes of fishing in lol. my boss got a small chuckle out of that--almost stillborn. knowing my luck, thats when i'd hook a huge catfish and have a 3 hour fight on my hands. id have to cut the line and let it go lol. ubt yeah, after seein those fish there, it dawned on my im bound to catch something there.

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Re: [tubeN2] Ok. I'm branching out. I need some suggestions - by Simp - 08-14-2007, 05:16 PM

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