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Western States Lake Trout
Hey, I didn't mean that I don't fully appreciate seeing those pictures. I love sitting here all goggle eyed and mumbling to myself. My wife even had to come in to see what I was all choked up about. She promptly told me that I should shut this thing down before I have a coronary. I was just saying that I don't blame him for having a bit of a memory laps when it comes to giving out information on a spot(s) that gives up fish like that. Don't blame him a bit, and I sure do like the fact that he chose to share them with us. Just makes me all twitterpaited to see them!!!! Might just be willing to take up a collection to get a pool of money to hire a private eye to follow him around for a while though!!! Anybody out there willing to donate to the cause? We could even write a book on this guys exploits and make a million. I know he says he doesn't want to brag, but heck, with fish like that, he should be braggin'. If he doesn't deserve it, then I don't know who does.

Regards, & Good Fishin'

Messages In This Thread
Western States Lake Trout - by Wyobraz - 05-21-2007, 05:29 AM
Re: [bkidder] Western States Lake Trout - by LlindeX - 08-16-2007, 08:16 AM

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