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Quagga or Zebra Mussels found in Powell.
Old Coot, you bring up a good point. If they can hide in so many places, I never feel like I've "decontaminated" enough. Everyone can check out this website which is geared to stop all Aquatic Hitchhikers:
[url ""][/url]

Under most circumstances our boats are only in the water for a few hours or days, and the short soak time decreases the chance for these unwanted species to attach. Washing and drying should remove the free swimming veligers (larval mussels). I assumed Lake Powell was already infected this spring when I visited. When I returned home, I cleaned the boat hull and trailer with soap and water, wiped it down with vinegar and water, and let it sit for the prescribed drying time (at least 3-5 days) before hitting another body of water. I'm still uncomfortable with the visual surveys, but that's all we can do. If you're like me and don't have access to a heated pressure washer system, I personally feel washing the boat up as much as possible, drying the gear, and removing any water from the bilges and livewells will do the most good.

It's going to be tough no matter what we do, but if you look at other states like Minnesota, which have had infected waters for over 10 years, they've found ways to keep other waters within the state from being infected. If we follow their lead, take care of our own equipment, and spread the word to other anglers and recreationists, hopefully we can stop or at least slow the advance.

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Re: [Old_Coot] Quagga or Zebra Mussels found in Powell. - by Ryno - 08-21-2007, 09:19 PM

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