08-29-2007, 04:46 AM
thanks for the tips. That vice is more in my price range. I probably will buy one. What other tools should I have? Just the basics. I don't want to spend alot of money on something I may or may not enjoy. If I like it I will probably be willing to spend more money on better tools but I want to try it first. I always buy the less expensive things first. I got my Daiwa rod and reel combo for 20 bucks and well I bought a new reel for it but the pole still is holding up and it is my favorite pole. I like my fly rod alright. I just bought a bumble bee popper made in the USA. It is alot different then the flies I had bought. It is alot heavier and casting it feels different. I had a bit of a rough time with it today but I think I am slowly getting the hang of it. I did not catch anything but a fish jumped at the popper but unforunately it missed.