09-04-2007, 10:09 PM
[cool] Well, once again it is time to start planning the 2nd Annaul Devil Creek Icefishing Derby.
In order to improve our tournament, we are making a couple of changes this year.
First, we are changing the tournament to a one day event. We are planning on Saturday January 19th. Hopefully this will make it easier for everyone who would like to fish.
Second, one concern I heard last year was that conteatants were sitting next to several poles (non-contestants) and that it would be easy for them to use which ever pole was getting a bite as their "offical pole". There were a few contestants who were fishing with their children, spouses ect.. In order for tournament officials to know which pole is the contestants, we will add a new rule stating that all contestants poles must be a least 25' from any non-contestant's pole. This should reduce the confusion and discourage anyone from "group fishing".
Finally, with the tournament changing to one day, I need to adjust the way we are doing our hourly bigfish payout. There are three ways to do this and maintain the same amount of payout as last year.
1. Pay $200 to the longest fish each hour.
2. Pay the two longest fish each hour, (either $100 each, or $125 for the longest and $75 for the second longest.)
3. Pay $100 to the longest fish each half hour.
Our intentions are to make this a fun event for all who would like to fish it. Any reasonable suggestions will be considered and appreciated.
Thanks for your input and I look forword to seeing you this winter.
The Fish and Game also planted several tagged fish in the lake this year. With their permision we would also like to