09-05-2007, 04:13 AM
I will have a link to our web site as soon as it is up and running, should be by the end of October.
I will try to get the results from last year posted in the near future.
As far as big fish, there was a guy (not enterd in the tournament) who caught a fish just over 19", too bad he didn't enter it would have won him about $1900.
The guy who won last year ended up with the largest fish and split a three way tie for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. I think he ended up winning just under $3000 with every thing together.
I will try to get the results from last year posted in the near future.
As far as big fish, there was a guy (not enterd in the tournament) who caught a fish just over 19", too bad he didn't enter it would have won him about $1900.
The guy who won last year ended up with the largest fish and split a three way tie for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. I think he ended up winning just under $3000 with every thing together.