09-06-2007, 01:18 AM
no fishing......... but im planning on killing my first wild hog tomorrow with my crossbow
my point is we already have socilalist elements in our society, but we're in no way even going near what your def says . . .
im talking about state socialism
heres merriam-webster
[url "http://m-w.org"]http://m-w.org[/url]
Main Entry: state socialism
Function: noun
: an economic system with limited socialist characteristics that is effected by gradual state action and typically includes public ownership of major industries and remedial measures to benefit the working class
thats what we already have now, so get used to it
my point is we already have socilalist elements in our society, but we're in no way even going near what your def says . . .
im talking about state socialism
heres merriam-webster
[url "http://m-w.org"]http://m-w.org[/url]
Main Entry: state socialism
Function: noun
: an economic system with limited socialist characteristics that is effected by gradual state action and typically includes public ownership of major industries and remedial measures to benefit the working class
thats what we already have now, so get used to it