09-10-2007, 04:11 PM
Took the kids to Utah lake on Saturday. We didn't get there until about 9:00 a.m., a late start. We launched at Lindon and headed north towards the reed line. We were planning on fishing the small stream inlet between Lindon and American Fork boat harbor, but there was already a boat there, right up in the channel. It was so shallow that they were poling their boat up into it. We fished in a different spot for a little while, but with no luck. We moved back down the lake and decided to try by the bubble up. We immediately started catching fish. The white bass were in there and the kids had a great time catching them. It wasn't really fast, but we ended up keeping about 20 of the larger ones and letting the rest go. Only one small channel cat and one small bullhead were caught other than the bass. The bass ranged from a couple at 13-14 inches down to about 5 inches. Most were around 8 to 10 inches. I was using a 4 inch tail section of white bass as bait hoping for a big cat on my heavy rod, but only caught the two biggest white bass on it.