09-13-2007, 09:11 PM
I agree with all of you on this matter. I believe these companies are doing this on purpose for this dam they want to build at the Narrows. Why? Who knows, money perhaps? It is just a shame though. I have been fishing up there (Preston area) my whole life and I am from Utah. I fished it when I was a little "pup", then when I moved back to Utah from Washington, then during Spring Break trips while in Jr. High and High School, and now while I am stationed down here at Hill AFB. I dont mean to pee in anyones Cheerios, but IN MY OPINION the Idaho DWR is not doing their job to their up most abilities. I can count on ONE FINGER how many times I have seen a DWR offial (Game Warden) up in that area and I have been going up there at least 20-30 times a year for the last 8 1/2 years I have been stationed down here. Maybe when I retire I will move up there and join the DWR. Just wish they had some sort of "Canal" meeting that fellow anglers can join in on and state OUR case!!!