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Fabulous Flaming Gorge
Well we hit the Gorge again this week-end. What a wonderful trip. Could'nt leave utah county until 0600 on friday morning because of work. We went through Green River Wy on the way up because of the road construction east of Mt.View I think we laucned around 10:00 am or so at lucerne and went right to fishing. I took Jims advice and stayed away from Linwood and we hit Swim Beach, sheep creek and Hide-out. Caught one laker. Got up saterday and was out trolling by 0630. Deicided to hit the same areas again because we had marked many fish the day before. And it paid off we caught 14 by noon. what a change of luck. (thanks jim). four times we had double hook ups. The weather was great. Friday was windy with some lightning and not much rain. Saterday was great. By the big boys standards are fish were "pups" but they were really nice fish to me. We packed up and left to come home via Mt.View around 4:00. the rode is still tore up but not bad I was surprised they were even starting to lay some assfault.

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Fabulous Flaming Gorge - by KOKANEE - 09-17-2007, 03:55 AM

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