10-06-2007, 12:50 AM
If yout thinkin Painted Rock, head up river as far as you care to hike, after you think you've gone a ways, look for a point to fish from.
Cast your first rod out as far as you can with a large dead minnow on it.
To rig the minnow, use a long shank hook through the minnow, I use a double hook with the two barbs hidden by the back of the fish as the back of the hook protrudes from the anus and the eye of the hook from the mouth of the bait. I use a seeker rig that allows the minnow to free fall weightless, after I have thrown the rig. To make a seker you need to slide a solid ring swivel on the line above the sinker, tie a leader about 24-36" of florocarbon to the other end. Slide on a bead, any bead, then tie your sinker on.
I throw a pretty heavy sinker, 3/4 to 1 1/2 oz. It takes practice but really long casts are possible.
With your second rod, if you have a 2 pole permit, throw big spoons, spinners, or jigs tipped with some sucker meat.
If you doo all that I and Tube dude say, you may not catch a pike, but you'll have a good day.
Cast your first rod out as far as you can with a large dead minnow on it.
To rig the minnow, use a long shank hook through the minnow, I use a double hook with the two barbs hidden by the back of the fish as the back of the hook protrudes from the anus and the eye of the hook from the mouth of the bait. I use a seeker rig that allows the minnow to free fall weightless, after I have thrown the rig. To make a seker you need to slide a solid ring swivel on the line above the sinker, tie a leader about 24-36" of florocarbon to the other end. Slide on a bead, any bead, then tie your sinker on.
I throw a pretty heavy sinker, 3/4 to 1 1/2 oz. It takes practice but really long casts are possible.
With your second rod, if you have a 2 pole permit, throw big spoons, spinners, or jigs tipped with some sucker meat.
If you doo all that I and Tube dude say, you may not catch a pike, but you'll have a good day.