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Provo River Frustrations
I can relate, me and a buddy would fish this river and for some reason I could catch 20 and using the same stuff my buddy would get skunked. It took him about 4 trips until he finally caught a fish, he hates this river. I can never get him up to this water, although he has caught plenty of fish on the green which is just as technical. Keep up the good fight, I do fish this water in the winters when the crowds are down (hate combat fishing) sent me a PM if some Satruday you want to head out.

Messages In This Thread
Provo River Frustrations - by fishergomes - 10-27-2007, 01:34 AM
Re: [sinergy] Provo River Frustrations - by orvis1 - 10-29-2007, 05:31 PM

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