10-29-2007, 06:39 PM
Just want everyone's opinion on a matter that happened on Flaming Gorge this weekend. As we all know the lake trout stack up on the gravel humps in linwood bay to spawn. We went out Saturday morning and seen a few boats on the humps (2 of those being guides.) we got within about 100 -150 yds and started graffing fish on the finder so respecting the fact that the other boats were already there we stayed are distance. The fishing was pretty good we picked up a lot of pups and one 23 lber. About 10:00 the boats started to leave so we moved in on the other humps. We fished all day and were catching fish until about 4:00 ( this is when things got interesting ) The 2 guide boats came back and one of them pulled within 10 ft ( yes 10ft) of our boat and dropped his anchor, did not say anything to us, so we said you better not hit are boat ! That,s when he came out and started arguing with us.( with clients on his boat) I could not believe it. If he would have said something like hey guys can we squeeze in here someplace it would not have been a big deal but what an azz. I guess he owns that water. anyway give me your opinion on what you think about this matter. ( guides and none guides please.)