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Edicate opinions please (Flaming gorge)
[cool][#0000ff]The Sad reality is that DWR officers are overworked this time of year and there are not enough of them to cover all the bases. Hunting gets a lot of their attention right now, and each CO must cover a lot of territory. They know the snagging is going on, but do not put it on the top of the priority list.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I do not know it for a fact, but I have also heard that they really to not have a great interest in protecting the macks. Some would just as soon see macks cleaned out of the lake to protect their hatchery pets.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Not trying to stir the pot or hijack this worthwhile thread, but there are political issues involved too...not just lawbreaking guides.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]One suggestion that has not come up, but something I might consider, if faced with the same situation. That is to "accidently" lob a couple of casts into the offending boat...with the same big treble hook "jigs" being used by the snaggers. A dose of their own medicine might be a painful lesson to them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have been accused of being a bit harsh in my own reactions to the offenses of other anglers. In the past I have done my share of "retribution". However, in my older years I have mellowed out a bit. Maybe it is because you never know who is armed and willing to shoot somebody over something fun like fishing. A lot of wackos out there. Sometimes it is better to shake your head in disbelief and leave the spot to the unsportsmanlike intruders. Fishing is not worth serious injury or loss of life. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The best we can do is to practice ethical, lawful and sportsmanlike conduct in our own fishing...and to set a good example for our kids and fellow anglers. If somebody else wants to lay awake nights figuring out how to beat the law, then that is on them. Don't let their problems become your problems.[/#0000ff]

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Re: [8incher] Edicate opinions please (Flaming gorge) - by TubeDude - 10-30-2007, 12:43 PM

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