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Edicate opinions please (Flaming gorge)
ok so what I'am gathering hear is you are pissed that the guide's pushed u of the humb all i ever see on the hump is the snagger's if you are such an angler what the helll are you even doing in linwood till after the spawn craks me up 91 mile of lake and every one fishes in linwood show's me how little you all now the gorge if you are that worried about it dont support it by even going in to linwood the lake trout are all over along the bank's at the ranch and holmes eny were from 2-25lbs so pop them head's out and fish some were else till dec 1st come back when the spawn is over and you wont be fighting with 30 boat's to get on the spwning hump I wish thay would bouy it off let you fish all linwood but just keep people off the spwning humb the main humb the one I hear every one whine about every yr lmmfao same old it just another yr,IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT SUPPORT IT BY GOING OUT THERE PERIOD.ASHLEY

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Re: [LakeDrifter] Edicate opinions please (Flaming gorge) - by fishley - 10-30-2007, 04:51 PM

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