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Your trophy mount , tips
So you got your buck and getting it mounted . How can you save a couple bucks and like it a whole lot more?

1). make shure who ever skins your deer , they tube the neck ! Some taxidermists will skin your deer for you at no charge when doing a mount , most processors will slit the cape along the back of the neck , this will cost you more for sewing from the taxidermist .

Imagine paying $35.00 to $175.00 ( or even more )for a piece of plywood to mount your head on, that's rediculous ! A full sheet of quality plywood or full hardwood board can be bought at a local lumberyard .Places like home depot have the wood and can cut the board down to the size you need very cheepley . Finish it yourself or have a woodworking buddy help you with it . You can shape the board any way you want it with a scroll saw , router or sand the edges smooth . stain it if you so desire .

I have my mount on a solid piece of cherry bought at an Amish saw-mill , The section of the branch ( not the trunk )is over 3'tallx2-1/2'wide x 2" thick . and has over 80 rings in it , one big tree !

Before you put a finish coat on the wood , some guys woodburn the date on the board , well thats O.K. , I guess . Hit the mall and go to one of those engraving shops , a small brass plate is only a couple bucks , what you put on it will jump the price a little . Your name , the date , maybe the place , it's up to you what goes on the plate .Sears in westbranch has this service also Possibly other sears stores as well.

Supose (like nobody does this ) you have a pic of yourself with the deer just after you harvested it , maybe you have the D.N.R. patch , Why not put them on the board too ? What about your shell casing ? Yes you can add all . Ace hardware has a product called Enviro-teck , its a plastic finish that is 50 times thicker than varnish , self leveling and shines like glass ! Router or carve out a spot for your shell casing and or patch(plug the end of the shell casing , I fill mine with melted lead , shotgun shot and a propane toarch does the trick ), make shure the casing and patch are below and even with the surface ) and put them in . place your pic and the brass plate where you want them and put the enviro-teck on , let it cure 48 hrs. and your custom mounting board is done by your own hands the way you want it .

If you decide you want a clean front , try this . before you finish your mounting board , put a little info. on the back side of the board . Your hunting story , the guys you were with , date , time , whatever you want to remember about the hunt (use a permanate marker like a sharpie ) once finished , that story will remain for a lifetime !

Anyway , I just thought I'de pass on a couple tips to make that special buck of yours hang on the wall with a more personal touch added .
Got any other tips ? Please post them . Your pal , Al

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Your trophy mount , tips - by lonehunter - 11-04-2007, 02:06 AM

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