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Two interesting articles..
..part of my job in the computer center of this library is to assist students with logging in.. sometimes that entails checking their records for username and password information.. like you I am simply amazed at two things about the students and id's

- one.. when I ask for a picture id to verify they are who they say they are.. they will look at me with a serious face and say either of three...

.. I forgot my id

..I only have my drivers license is that okay?

or.. my license and id is out in my car...

.. the first is okay to almost beleive.. the second is that they assume I mean their student id when I ask for a picture id.. and the third scares me.. with the rise of identity theft I would not be one to intentionally leave my id and credit cards etc out in my car.. ????

.. and this is the generation we are leaving the world too.. we have had the pepsi generation. generation x.. baby boomers.. and now the "I" generation.. where "I" is the center of their universe..

okay.. off the soap box.. lol..


Messages In This Thread
Two interesting articles.. - by macfly55 - 11-15-2007, 04:54 PM
Re: [Dryrod] Two interesting articles.. - by macfly55 - 11-15-2007, 09:06 PM

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