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$1200 birthday pressent for my dog
Thanks for the kind words, she has been a treasure in my life, tho she has been to hell and back with me a couple times.... I owed it to her to say the least....

I used to be one of them guys who say I cant understand why any one would put out that kind of money out for a pet...

well as I prepaired my self to not have her around the house any more I dicided I would get all the time I could for her... I could not bare the thought of not having her under my feet just yet... so what ever I get, a few weeks more a few months more or a few years more I think it is money well spent, and lets face it, over the last ten years I spent more than that on cookies and icecream and Micky D's cheese burgers for her... we're not even talking dog food and shots yet...

the bill came up to just under 900,

she has two more doc visits in the next couple weeks, by wich time the biopsy will be back and we will know for sure one way or the other...

Needless to say, I dont think I will be in the woods before the end of black powder season... I gladly make that sacrifice to keep her for a little while longer...

she is in pain now, she was befor the opp... tomarow she starts a regiment of antibiotics and pain pills...

I have to stick close by to make sure she dosnt start licking her wound, it has to stay open so it can ooze for a couple days to get out the rest of the gunk... I gave her my sleeping bag to ooze on..

as I said befor I highly recomend my Vet Dr Lisner.
his web site is [url ""][/url]When I was picking up my pup, I check to see if he had a website, I didnt see it on his business card.

so any one who may want to have their rabbit or coon hounds checked out after tackeling a porky pine or have a run in with ticks this is the place to go in southern Oakland county...

I mentioned this was the second time they saved my pup, the first time was when she was poisened by cumidine and was with-in minutes of being a gonner they took her in asap...

I cant say enough good things about this place...

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Re: [lonehunter] $1200 birthday pressent for my dog - by davetclown - 12-07-2007, 02:27 AM

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