12-10-2007, 09:33 PM
[cool][#0000ff]Glad to help where I can. I have never messed with the soldered hook jigs. Too much time and "foo foo" involved. If I want a flattened jig, I can make them flattened either horizontally (Glider Jigs) or vertically (Flatheads). Pics available.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Once you have a lead melter and a couple of basic molds, you need only a few hooks and you are in business. I am attaching a PDF file on jig molds, along with some on pouring and painting jig heads. If you are initially interested mostly in making ice jigs, then get a simple roundhead mold, with cavities down to about 1/32 oz. I have one with 8 cavities...4 each of 1/32 oz. and 1/16 oz. Of course I have and use a lot of others, but that is a good place to start.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The attached PDFs should keep you busy for a while. PM me if you have further questions or specific concerns...or if you want to come by for a demo pouring session.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Once you have a lead melter and a couple of basic molds, you need only a few hooks and you are in business. I am attaching a PDF file on jig molds, along with some on pouring and painting jig heads. If you are initially interested mostly in making ice jigs, then get a simple roundhead mold, with cavities down to about 1/32 oz. I have one with 8 cavities...4 each of 1/32 oz. and 1/16 oz. Of course I have and use a lot of others, but that is a good place to start.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The attached PDFs should keep you busy for a while. PM me if you have further questions or specific concerns...or if you want to come by for a demo pouring session.[/#0000ff]