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Why can't you use live minnows in UT?
Chubs may not be native to Strawberry res. but Remember Srawberry is an ARTIFICIAL reservoir. There were never chubs or cutthroats or rainbows. It has to be managed the best it can by man. As weak and stupid as those Bear Lake Cutts are, they eat the crap out of chubs, because that is what they naturally do. Don't blame the prestine and superb fighting rainbows for any of Strawberry's problems. They just have way too much self-respect to eat a nasty chub! And I totally agree with PBH. Live fish should NEVER be allowed for bait in a eco-sensitive area like Utah.

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Re: [RyanCreek] Why can't you use live minnows in UT? - by brookieguy1 - 12-13-2007, 12:25 AM

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