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To My Democrat Friends.......
nothing like a little last minute smoke and dagger politics befor the first primary...[laugh]

you are just going to have to laugh it up.. there is not a single politition democrat or republican who isnt blowing smoke in to the face of americas voters.

they know when every one goes to the primaries, "10% of qualified voters" that the majority is going to vote along party lines, and they are going to vote with thier pocket books...

Hence the term so broke to pay attention...

You can bet your bottom dollar that on both democrat and republican sides that the wealthiest of americans are going to do background checks on the candidates and see who has preformed along policy lines and programs that best suit the way they do busness and are not going to care who said what...

the democratic party debate was full of yuckin it up last night with vary little being said or expected to be said...

clinton utterd "Change" once again with no credible plan to back up that word... to this day no one knows what she means by change or what she plans on changing...

while some of the statements made in your post is true just as much of it is total and absolute nonsence..

on both sides there are a lot of people who have strong opinions as to what is working what isnt what needs to be changed what dosnt.

but aside from all of this banter on both sides of the party there is the thing going on here on this site.

every one needs to keep this clean. stop taking this personal, stop baiting and being bated and going after each other here on this site..

no one will take any discussion here on this board serious if this behavour continues. Your conduct reprosents your chosen politition. you are your polititions spokes person here.

this is counter productive for every one..

these issues you posted here are not directed towards the democratic party, it was directed towards programs and policies allready in place and policies other republican candidates want to inplace.

if you want to debate each one of those seperatly, I will be happy to give you my experiences with those policies from the point of americans poorest.

if you ever find your self loosing a debate, stop, and think about it, If you are half the inteligent person I believe you to be, you will realize that if you are loosing a point it is because you either dont have enough information to fully argue the point, or the point you are trying to win is not winable and as much as you hate you will have to re-think the point and if that point is that great of an issue for your candidate..

every single politition dodges issues they can not answer because they just dont have the experience or refuse to answer because they know that their finacial backers opose veiws one way or another..

we are all fisher people here, and no one knows bating and being bated like we do...

so I mean this for every one, for your own sake, stop it... Its one thing to play the part of a fool, its intirely something different to be a fool...

Messages In This Thread
To My Democrat Friends....... - by Wyobraz - 12-11-2007, 11:31 PM
Re: [southernman] To My Democrat Friends....... - by davetclown - 12-14-2007, 10:00 AM

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