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Ice huts/tents/shelters
Whenever I can I like to stay out of my ice shack; however, when it is bitter cold (5 degrees below zero or colder) snowing or the wind is blowing hard I will gladly get inside of my ice shack and enjoy being able to feel my fingers again. I used to have a Shappell, suit-case style shack and it was heavy, and a pain to drag out on the ice. I have moved to an Ice Cube which has at least twice the room inside, lighter and fits nicely in the bottom of the sled.

Messages In This Thread
Ice huts/tents/shelters - by fish1on - 12-27-2007, 01:31 AM
Re: [fish1on] Ice huts/tents/shelters - by kentofnsl - 12-27-2007, 04:41 AM

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