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Stuff you have lost, while fishing.
One time I was out fishing all the local waters where i live on my bike. i stopped at the provo for some fly fishing had a little luck so decided to move on. as I was getting out of the water my fly box fell out of my pocket, along with my fly floatant.

then I decided I would ride ove to deer creek and try for some bass. well i was hooking up left and right into a school of bass along with a other guy, and when i packed up i did not notice my fly rods tip lying on the rocks, i steped on it(on accident) and thought that it was someones old rod tip and said that it sucked for them. I get home and start to unpack and i reallize it was mine that i steped on and broke and left. that was humilliating.

It took a preety long time to get a replacement for it so i did not gwet to go fly fishing for a while.

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Re: [Access-Denied] Stuff you have lost, while fishing. - by fishboy2 - 04-12-2003, 03:52 PM

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