04-13-2003, 03:17 AM
Hey there dh TubinChris,
One other point you'll need to hammer into your head. Many times you don't need to cast over the moon A lot of perch are usually very close to shore. I've caught them 1 inch from the water line but of course there was a 6 inch dropoff that they were in. They like shallow troughs too. If you look real carefully you can see them in the curl of a wave that might break 5 feet from shore! 10 to 20 yards ought to be ok according to the wave action, tide, and structure. Fish close in! I use a 9 1/2 ft fly rod converted to a spinning rod, 2lb fluorocarbon, 1/16oz sliding egg sinker, circle hook and 1 inch powerbait crawdads or 1 1/2 inch grubs to catch YFC, walleye perch, BSP, croaker, etc.